Betsy Koett, Treasurer
Phone: 616-754-5679 ext. 13
Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or call for an appointment
Amy Christensen, Deputy Treasurer
Phone: 616-754-5679 ext. 10
Hours: Monday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
When writing a check, please make sure of the following:
The date is filled in and is not postdated.
The check is made out to: Oakfield Township Treasurer.
The correct amount is written in words and numerically. If these numbers do not match, the written amount is what the bank will accept.
The check must be signed.
The parcel number is written on the memo line.
If your phone number does not appear on the check, please write it in or write it on the tax bill.
Click here to pay using a credit card or e-check online. There is a fee for using this service.
Online payments are unavailable from 5:01 p.m. on February 28 through July 1.
Dog License
Purchase a dog license online at Kent County.
When are summer taxes billed?
Summer tax bills should arrive and are due July 1st. They are payable until September 14th without incurring any fee or penalty.
When are winter taxes billed?
Winter tax bills should arrive and are due December 1st. They are payable until February 14th without incurring any fee or penalty.
What if I haven’t received my tax bill?
You may request a copy from our office or search our online Property Data, Assessing & Tax Information database. Note that your due date is fixed and cannot be changed. Ultimately, you are responsible for paying your property taxes whether you receive a bill or not.
Why do I receive a tax bill if my mortgage company pays my taxes?
It is impossible for us to know who your mortgage company is and whether they are to pay your taxes or you are. Your mortgage company knows, so they request your tax information be sent to them. We also send you a copy so that you know: how much your taxes are, can compare your tax bill with the end of the year statement sent to you by your lender, and have information you may need to file your income taxes. If your bill states “Information Copy Only Not a Bill”, your mortgage company has requested your tax information. If your bill does not indicate this, simply forward a copy of the bill to your mortgage company. Please keep your copy for future reference.
How can I pay my tax bill?
Check, cash, or credit card payments may be made at the township office during office hours. There is a fee for using a credit card.
Credit card or e-checks are accepted online. There is a fee for using this service. Click here to pay online.
There is a 24-hour drop box located to the right of the main doors. Please enclose your payment in a sealed envelope and never leave cash.
If you are paying by mail, please use the enclosed yellow envelope.
If you would like a receipt for your property taxes, please enclose the entire bill and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We will stamp the top portion of the tax bill and return it to you.
Why is my payment through billpay not posting on the date I chose?
If you are using billpay, the payments are NOT posted on the date you select. Checks need to be produced and mailed to the township office. Please make sure to allow enough time for your check to arrive before the due date.
Am I able to make a partial payment?
Yes, you can send as many partial payments as needed as soon as you receive your tax bill. Plus, any partial payment received before the deadline means a smaller late fee for you later if you can’t pay your entire bill.
When should I mail my payment for it to be considered on time?
Your payment must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the due date. Because there may be delays in the mail, make sure to give yourself extra time. Postmarks are not accepted as on time payment.
What happens if I pay my tax bill late?
Tax payments received after the due date will be subject to additional fees and penalties. If your payment is late, please contact the Treasurer’s Office for the amount due.
When is the last day I can pay my taxes at the township?
The last day to pay at the township is February 28. On March 1, all unpaid taxes are sent to the Kent County Treasurer. You can contact them at 616-632-7500.
What months do the tax bills cover?
Both your summer and winter tax bills cover the whole year from January 1st through December 31st. These tax bills do not cover specific months, but rather, collect different taxes due for the entire year. The two tax bills together make up the total annual property taxes due. Each bill lists where the money is going. If you need help understanding your tax bill, please contact the Treasurer’s office.
What is the Principal Residence Exemption and how do I know if it is in place on my property?
You qualify for the Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) if you own and reside in your home. This is a State of Michigan law, not a township rule. This means you do not pay local school operating tax. Check your bill. If the PRE/MBT % is 100.0000, then you are all set. You will also see under school operating that the amount is EXEMPT. If you are not receiving PRE and think you qualify, please contact the assessor.
Can I defer my summer taxes?
Summer property taxes may be deferred until February 14th without additional fees or penalties added if you meet the following criteria.
The property must be your principal residence and your gross household income for the preceding calendar year did not exceed $40,000. In addition you must meet one of the following criteria:
62 years of age or older, including the unmarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years of age or older at the time of death
Paraplegic, Hemiplegic, or Quadriplegic
Eligible Serviceperson, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow or Widower
Blind Person
Totally and Permanently Disabled
You can also qualify if your property is classified as an Agricultural Real Property.
Please fill out the Summer Tax Deferment Application and return to the Treasurer before September 15th.
I have recently divorced or my spouse has died. How do I change the name on the tax bill?
For a name change on a tax bill, please contact the assessor.
How do I change the mailing address on my tax bill?
The assessor must make all address changes.
On the yellow return envelope, there is a box to check beneath the return address that your address has changed. Please make sure to write your address clearly.
You can also call or email the township office, and we will pass the changes along to the assessor.